Thursday, July 15, 2010

Padmashree's 12th Birthday Card

Padmashree will be turning 12 on August 12, so I picked out a card I think she'll like. It's shiny and red and silver. It occurred to me that she's probably never received a birthday card before, unless one of her earlier sponsors sent her one. (And most sponsors don't write or send cards to their children, so this may really be her first birthday card ever!)
I included a photo of myself, a packet of smiley face and star stickers, and a letter. Here's what I wrote.
Dear Padmashree,
First of all I want to wish you a very happy birthday! I'm so happy to be able to help you celebrate. I hope you have a great day!
Is your family well? I hope so. We are all fine here. It is summer here now, our hottest season. I like the summer. I like to go swimming when it is very warm. What is the weather like for you now?
I am happy to learn that you are in school. Do you enjoy school? I know that your favorite subject is Language. Me too! I think your language, Bengali, is beautiful. Your handwriting is very nice. [True. Her handwriting is impeccable, and the Bengali script is lovely.] I have saved your letter because you are important to me. I enjoy getting to know you!
I am 26 years old. I have one brother, Eric. I work at an apartment building. I am married to a very nice man named Adam. I have no children. Adam, my husband, works fixing computers for business. [He works in IT for a genetics company, but there's no way a 12-year-old is going to understand what that means, or probably care.]
Here is a photo of me. I keep a photo of you in an album, and I see it and think of you often.
Being your sponsor makes me very happy. I hope you receive many benefits from the program. I hope you will write back to me because I like getting letters from you! We can know each other even though we live far apart.
I will say goodbye now. Please work hard in school and stay healthy and happy!
With affection, your sponsor,
Nicole B. A.

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