Friday, July 30, 2010

First Letter to Mirian

I'm a letter writing machine today! Hee hee. Seriously, I love to write. I would write to my kids every week or more frequently, if that wasn't (understandably) discouraged. So I'm sticking to once a month. Here is the first letter I wrote to Mirian:
Dear Mirian-
Hello! My name is Nicole Albertson and I am your new sponsor. I am so happy to be your sponsor. I have read a little about you, so let me tell you a little about me.
I am 26 years old and live in a small village near the capital of the USA. I live with my husband, Adam. I do not have any children. I have two cats and a guinea pig. They are pets and live in the house. They are fun to play with. My hobbies are reading, writing, and sewing. I also love sports. I read that you enjoy basketball. I like basketball too. I was on my school team when I was your age. I also love soccer and baseball.
My favorite animal is the horse. I also love cats. My favorite colors are blue and orange. My favorite food is pasta with meat and tomato sauce. My mother taught me how to cook it.
What grade are you in at school? Do you learn a lot? I know you like math and grammar. I like grammar too and I do enjoy math but it was not my best subject. I find math challenging!
I will say goodbye now. Please greet your family for me. I hope you all will stay well. I am always thinking of you.
Your sponsor friend,
Nicole A.
P.S. Here is a photo of me so you can know what I look like.

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