Friday, July 9, 2010

A Little Bit Personal (Cross-Posted at LiftOne)

Things have really changed for me over the last few years. I'm not proud to admit this, but I haven't always been a very nice person. I came out of college fairly troubled and with very confused priorities. I attended graduate school, but didn't complete my degree. I never really appreciated either my opportunities or my material possessions. I didn't always treat people very well. I wasn't always a good friend. I drank and partied too much. I smoked cigarettes. I made a lot of really questionable decisions.

July through November 2009 were milestone months for me. I went through an extremely hard time. My health was suffering (emotional and physical health), and I needed to make a major change in my lifestyle. With the help of some well-qualified health professionals, I started getting my life back on track. I made a lot of major changes. I started taking care of myself. I stopped drinking alcohol completely, and stopped staying out half the night. I started making better choices.

Why is this on here? Because being a part of Children International, and a part of this LiftOne website, has been a part of my becoming a better person and a more responsible adult. Since taking on my first sponsorship in early May, I've been feeling really, well, good- about myself, about the choices I'm making, about the direction my life is taking, about helping others.
I've been doing a LOT of thinking recently about myself. Which is nothing new for me, exactly...I'm very introspective. But I've been noticing a difference in myself ever since becoming involved with CI and other charities for children and needy people throughout the world. And, astonishingly, others have noticed it too. Just the other day my husband asked me if I was saving up for a big purchase- he's noticed that I no longer spend a lot of money on silly little things. Of course, I'm not saving up for a stereo, an iPhone, or a car...I'm saving up on behalf of Padmashree, Egda, Hachita, Crestetor, Lavendah, Samuel, Jazmin, and Francisco!

I definitely have developed different money habits. I no longer go clothes shopping "just because". If I need something, I do buy it, but my definition of "Need" has changed. I think before I spend money now, because I know there are other people who are depending on me to not muck up my budget by spending too much on unnecessary things. If all else fails, I think of my sponsored kids, who don't even have the luxury of considering, say, going on a shopping spree at the bookstore or the clothing store. Their parents struggle to put food on the table, and I'm spending $130 a month on smoking cigarettes? It makes me change my thinking real quick.

I know this was kinda long and babbly, but I had to get it out. I always feel better when I write something down so others can read it, and I figured you fellow sponsors on this site might kind of understand what I was saying. So, thanks for reading my nonsense! And thanks for being a part of something with me!

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