Tuesday, September 28, 2010

CW Letter from Javiera!

The other day I got the BEST kind of mail- one of those CI envelopes that says "Enclosed is a special message from your sponsored child"! I eagerly opened it to find Javiera's CW letter. Javiera is 11 years old (her birthday was yesterday!) and is from Valparaiso, Chile. Here's what she wrote in her letter:
"Dear sponsor:
I hope this letter finds you and your family in good health. I am very well and have done well at school. My grandpas are well and so are my brothers. [She meant grandparents and siblings, but the words were translated literally to the masculine words.] At home, I still play with dolls and have a lot of fun with my brother. I have a baby brother who is very cute. I do not think school is so difficult since I have been putting all my effort. I want to be a professional to help my grandparents. Goodbye and thank you for having chosen me as your sponsored child; you have made me very happy. Kisses
Sincerely yours
Javiera O. E."

On the back of the stationery she used were some questions for the child to answer; a "check the box" sort of thing. For "My favorite hobby" she chose singing, dancing, and spending time with friends. (Other options: practicing sports, playing a musical instrument, drawing, spending time with family, and reading.) For "I like my country because" she checked "There are many beaches and coasts." (Not chosen: It has a desert and it's very hot; there are distant and mysterious islands such as Easter Island; there are many woods, rivers, and lakes; there are many mountains and volcanoes; there is an Antarctic territory at the South of the world.)
Good to know: Javiera prefers the beach and the coast. I do too! I would much rather spend time at the beach than in a desert or Antarctic area!

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