Tuesday, September 28, 2010

CW Letter from Daneisi!

Daneisi wins the prize for "Cutest CW Letter", just because of the coloring she did on the back of the stationery. She colored an adorable picture of a baby chick with an envelope in its mouth, and it's just so cute I can hardly stand it! Also according to the back of the letter, Daneisi is a happy and loving child. (Other options were quiet, active, shy, playful, obedient, and kind.)

Now, for the front of the letter! Daneisi is 8 years old but only just began attending any kind of school. (She goes to an informal neighborhood school, but will soon be enrolled for a more formal education.) So she's not able to write herself yet. Her father, Juan, wrote for her. Maybe it's just because my own dad wasn't able to help me with things like that when I was small, but I just think there is something so sweet about a father writing for his daughter.
Señor Z. on Daneisi's behalf:
"Dear Sponsor,
I am writing to you to thank you for sponsoring Daneisi. She likes to play with dolls. She likes to go to the park. She is very obedient to her parents. She sends many blessings upon you and your family. Thank you for sponsoring her. With love says goodbye of you Daneisi and her father."

A short, basic letter, but I was so happy to get it! It's encouraging to see that Daneisi's dad is literate- in a lot of cases illiteracy is "passed down" from generation to generation. Mom and Dad weren't able to get an education because their families were too poor...now that Mom and Dad are grown up, they can only get low-paying jobs because of their lack of education...Mom and Dad have children but they cannot afford to send them to school...and the cycle repeats. It's really tragic, actually.

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