Monday, August 23, 2010

First Letter From Elizabeth!

I've sponsored Elizabeth since mid-July 2010. She is 5 years old and lives in Zambia. Today I got my first letter from her! Well, it wasn't written by her, because she is so young and hasn't been to school yet, but it was written by her cousin Martha. Here's what they had to say:
"Dear sponsor,
Greetings to you and your family. Back here I'm fine with Elizabeth and the family. Thanks for choosing to sponsor my cousin. I really appreciate. Elizabeth likes playing with dolls, her favourite colour is blue. She likes eating nshima or rice with fish and vegetables. Wishing you all the best. Yours, Martha K-------"

It's a short letter, but very nice. I love learning little details about my sponsored children's lives, like what they like to eat. And it clears up a bit of confusion I had about Elizabeth's family situation. On her family report, she's listed as living with a "Guardian" (as opposed to "relatives", which is the other option I've seen when the parents are absent.) I was very curious about who this guardian was, and what other people Elizabeth lived with. The fact that her letter was written by her cousin points to Elizabeth possibly living with an aunt/uncle/cousin family. Another possibility is that "cousin" is not an actual blood cousin, but a close family friend who is given the title "cousin" as sort of an honorary member of the family thing. Either way, it will be interesting to see if Martha continues to write letters for Elizabeth (until she can write on her own, that is), or if someone else writes the next letter.

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