Since Jairo, 5, from Guayaquil, Ecuador, just began Kindergarten, he doesn't write his own letters yet. Instead, his mother Paola writes for him. In the CW letter, she writes:
"Dear Mr. Sponsor, [heehee]
I'm your sponsored child's mother. I thank you for choosing him as your sponsored child. Let me tell you that he's a very cute and sweet child. He's healthy. Due to his short age he's very restless and playful. He's attending Kindergarten. He's learning his first letters. He learns everything because he has a good memory. As his mother I feel very proud of my son. He likes drawing, painting and playing with puzzles. He forms figures and has fun playing. He also likes sweets, such as: chocolate cookies. He likes juices, soda and ice cream. Says good-bye with affection,
Paola P. A."
I love the part about "due to his short age" he's playful and restless. I bet Jairo is a very fun little boy to be around! And the news about him attending school is great, because when I first began to sponsor Jairo, the report said he did not attend school because the family lacks money. (Jairo's family is extremely poor, poorer than even many other CI families- they live in Ecuador and the monthly income is just $37, which must support 11 people.)
Jairo's mother also wrote his reponse to the first letter I sent. I received it a few weeks after the CW letter. Paola writes:
"Hi Nicole A!
This is your sponsored child's mom and I'll tell you a little bit about him. He's a cute boy and he likes to play with his 8 siblings. He's also happy because he'll be 6 years old soon. He asks a lot of questions and I'm always near him so I can take care of him and protect him. I love him because he's smart and he's always active at school. We live in a small sector with cane made houses and we have a grocery store nearby. We love you a lot. I hope you're in good health and God bless you. I deeply thank you for being a wonderful sponsor. I say goodbye with a big hug.
Paola P. A."
A few weeks after I received the second letter, I also received a follow-up from CI regarding questions I'd asked about Jairo's education. I wanted to make sure he was able to attend school regularly regardless of his family's financial status. It's a good thing I did, because CI sent me a memo stating that, while Jairo had been able to start Kindergarten this year, it was only because his father had a job at that time. Unfortunately, the father lost his job and the parents were not able to buy Jairo and the siblings all the supplies they needed for school. CI sent me a list of items, and the associated costs, and I made a Special Needs Gift on the 18th or thereabouts.
However, that only covers costs and supplies for this year. The school year in Ecuador ends in January, and the family is not sure if Jairo and his siblings will be able to continue in school next year, because their father is currently unemployed. Also, a new baby was just born, so there's another mouth to feed! Currently, Jairo's mother is the only one who works. She washes clothes, which is not a steady job. That is why the family income is very low.
CI is going to look into what is necessary for Jairo for next school year, but for now I am very happy to know that he and his siblings will have the supplies they need to finish up the school year.
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