Saturday, November 27, 2010

Education Reports for Javiera and Mirian

I recently received a whole bunch of Education Reports for some of my CI-sponsored children. If a child is in school when I begin to sponsor him/her, I always request an education report right away. I want to know how they are doing in school, and if they might need any special help that I could provide for with a Special Needs Gift.

First comes Javeria's Education Report. (She's above, at left.) Javiera is 11 years old and in the 5th grade in Valparaiso, Chile. She attends a school with about 29 other children (I'm not sure if that's the number in the school or in her class). Javiera walks to school, and it takes her about 10 minutes. Her grades are good and her progress is average. Javiera has trouble with math, and she is receiving help from students of math from local universities. From Children International, Javiera has received a school supply kit and school shoes. She plans to continue her education.
Mirian Yesenia (above right) is 14 years old and in the 5th grade. She lives in rural Guatemala. She attends a private school where about 1000 other students attend. Approximately 20 of these children are sponsored. Mirian walks to school, and it takes her about 20 minutes. Her grades are good and her progress is normal. Mirian is especially interested in grammar and math, and from CI she has received school supplies, clothing, and school shoes. Mirian received an average of 82 points (out of 100) in the 5th grade.

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