In late April 2010, I went on the Children International website and requested information about a child in need of a sponsor. I specified that I was interested in sponsoring a child from India- didn't mention age or gender. A week or so later, I received an information packet in the mail. I also received Kanai's photo and family record. At that point, I was really torn. It wasn't that I didn't want to sponsor Kanai- I did. But on the other hand, I was really looking to sponsor a girl, and at that time I was only thinking about sponsoring one child. So I wanted "my" child to be one I really felt a connection with. I ended up going on the CI website and choosing Padmashree instead of Kanai.
But I never forgot about Kanai, and I never threw out (or lost!) his family record and photo. I assumed he'd found a sponsor, because I never saw him appear on the CI website. Then, last week, I decided that I would call and check, just to make sure that he actually did have a sponsor. And, surprise! Kanai did NOT find a sponsor. I guess not a lot of people are eager to sponsor a teenage boy. So I did what I should have done in April, and added Kanai to my account. So now, just six months late, here is All About Kanai D.
Kanai is 16 years old. He was born on August 19, 1994. He's my height- 5'2"- and weighs 92 lbs. He speaks Bengali. Happily, Kanai still attends school, where his favorite subjects are languages. At home he helps out with general housework, and in his free time he likes to play soccer and draw.
Kanan's family has a higher income than most of the CI families in India that I've seen. Kanan's family's monthly income is $127. His father, Keshab, is a factory worker, and his mother, Manju, is a homemaker. I suppose that the higher salary is due to the type of work the parents do. A factory worker is certain to make more than a day laborer. Kanan's sister, Sipra, also lives with the family. She is 22 years old.
The family lives in two multi-use rooms, with a roof and floor of concrete and walls of brick. They cook using a gas stove, sleep on wooden beds, and use a latrine for sanitation. Electricity is available, and water is obtained from a private pump.
But I never forgot about Kanai, and I never threw out (or lost!) his family record and photo. I assumed he'd found a sponsor, because I never saw him appear on the CI website. Then, last week, I decided that I would call and check, just to make sure that he actually did have a sponsor. And, surprise! Kanai did NOT find a sponsor. I guess not a lot of people are eager to sponsor a teenage boy. So I did what I should have done in April, and added Kanai to my account. So now, just six months late, here is All About Kanai D.
Kanai is 16 years old. He was born on August 19, 1994. He's my height- 5'2"- and weighs 92 lbs. He speaks Bengali. Happily, Kanai still attends school, where his favorite subjects are languages. At home he helps out with general housework, and in his free time he likes to play soccer and draw.
Kanan's family has a higher income than most of the CI families in India that I've seen. Kanan's family's monthly income is $127. His father, Keshab, is a factory worker, and his mother, Manju, is a homemaker. I suppose that the higher salary is due to the type of work the parents do. A factory worker is certain to make more than a day laborer. Kanan's sister, Sipra, also lives with the family. She is 22 years old.
The family lives in two multi-use rooms, with a roof and floor of concrete and walls of brick. They cook using a gas stove, sleep on wooden beds, and use a latrine for sanitation. Electricity is available, and water is obtained from a private pump.
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