Monday, October 25, 2010

Four Letters From Child Hope Zambia Kids

A few days ago I received a thick envelope in the mail from CHZ- letters from four of my sponsored children! The first one is from Hachita. Hachita just turned 14 years old at the end of August, and I sent a direct package with a little teddy bear, some balloons and other decorations, and small toys. She received it at distribution, which was held just a couple of days after her birthday!
Here is her letter:
"Dear Nicole,
Thank you for your letter and the gifts you sent for me. I enjoyed playing with the bear, balloons, horns and decorations. I had great fun with my brothers, sisters, and friends. We had great fun. School is fine. I like school very much. I hope you received the letter I sent in August. I received the letter in Tonga and the post card in English. I will be very happy if you send for me a photo of yourself and your family. I am happy that you write to me often. I hope you are enjoying the season there, it's summer here and I enjoy the hot weather. Your friend, Hachita."

The other direct package recipient was Crestetor, who just turned 9 on October 4th. Her package arrived in time for her birthday, too! This is the first letter I've gotten from Crestetor. She wrote a fill-in-the-blank type letter.
"Dear Sponsor: My favorite subject in school is science. I will tell you a bit about my teacher, classmates, and school house: Mrs Chisengule. Boys 25, girl 43, 68. Pictures 20. [This is the second time I've seen the "20 pictures" thing in a letter from one of this group's children. It clearly means something, but I haven't figured out what yet.] My best friend's name is Pretty Moonga. What I like best about him/her is: that we play together. I would like to tell you about my family. Brothers 4 Sisters 3, 7. I stay with my mother. I know my family loves me beacuse I do what they tell me to do. [Hee hee!] One day I would like to be a nurse. I also want to tell you that [the] precious presents you sent to me found me in joy, and I really appreciated that. Loving you and your family forever. Your sponsored child, Crestetor N."

8-year-old Lavenda also wrote me a fill-in-the-blank letter. She used a different template than Crestetor did. I've gotten one letter from Lavenda before this one.
"Dear Sponsor: Hello! How are you? I am very much okay today. My favorite color is black. I am very good at mathematics. I have two friends. My best friend's name is Natasha M. My family is quite big. I live with my grandmother. My favorite place is Momze town. One day I would like to be a teacher. I also want to tell you that I was glad to receive the gifts you send me and I am wishing you good luck always. Thank you very much. Your sponsored child, Lavenda M."
The gifts Lavenda refers to are items provided by sponsorship. I didn't send her a direct package because her birthday isn't until March.
Last but not least is Private! Private is 9 years old. He colored a picture of a cartoon car, drew a portrait of his family, AND wrote a fill-in-the-blank letter!
"Dear Sponsor: Hello! How are you? I am okay today. My favorite color is black. I am very good at Chitonga my mother tongue. I have two friends. My best friend's name is Allan M. My family is quite big. I live with my father. My favorite place is Mazabuca Town. One day I would like to be a driver. I also want to tell you that I was in great joy receiving a nice letter from you and to know you as my sponsor. Your sponsored child, Private M."
Private also used some stickers one of his other sponsors sent him to make scary monster eyes on an illustration of a goat that was on the stationary he used. He also put a sticker saying "Beware!" right under the goat, so it's like "Beware of scary monster goat!" It's really quite hilarious.

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