This pensive-looking young woman is Javiera F. She hails from Valparaiso, Chile, where she lives with her father and three siblings. Sadly, her mother, Edith Beatriz, abandoned the family, so it's up to her father Roberto Carlos to bring home the bacon AND take care of the family. The family's monthly income is about $250- and here's where I got confused. On the CI website, the family's income was listed as $195, which caught my eye because it's extremely low for Chile. Then when I accessed Javiera's detailed report, the income was listed as $250. Which is great, of course- the change just confused me.
Anyway, Javiera's father is a daily worker. Javiera has three siblings- Israel, a brother, 19; Jasmin, 15, and baby brother Walter, who must be just a very small baby because his age is listed as 0.
Javiera's home consists of three bedrooms, a dining room, and a kitchen. The walls and floor are of wood, and the roof is of corrugated metal. Javiera sleeps in a bed (it doesn't say what kind but I suppose a bed's a bed.) There is running water in the home, and there must be a bathroom because their sanitary facility is a toilet. Electricity is available, and cooking is done on a portable gas stove.
As for Javiera, she will be turning eleven years old on September 27, 2010. Doesn't she look older than nine in that picture? (She was about to turn ten when the photo was taken.) When I was considering sponsoring her I was thrown off because I kept searching for her in the 12+ girls category, just going off my memory of what she looked like. I thought she must be 12 or 13!
Javiera attends school, where she enjoys Art. Her chores at home include running errands, and she likes to dance and exercise. (I never saw a CI kid say they liked exercising before!) Unusual. I like it!
If she has a baby brother who is 0 then her mom must have left very recently. Is it possible that the paper report is older and might include income made from her mom? And on the site it was more current?